6 seater
Weekday $325
Weekend $375

4 seater
Weekday $350
Weekend $400

4 seater
Weekday $350
Weekend $400

We are located in Monroe, the heart of Green County Wisconsin,
ATV and UTV operators born on or after Jan. 1, 1988 who are at least 12 years old for ATV(and at least 16 years old for UTV) must complete an ATV and UTV safety certification course in order to operate on public ATV/UTV trails and areas in Wisconsin.
ATV and UTV operators born on or after January 1, 1998 must complete and ATV/UTV safety certification course in order to operate on public ATV/UTV trails and areas in Wisconsin. DNR Recreational Safety Specialist recommended all ATV and UTV operators complete a safely course.
If rentor is born on or after the above date, the need to have a copy of their completed (and passed) ATV/UTV course safety certificate to rent a machine.
You can contact the DNR at 1-888-936-7463 or visit their website at dnr.wi.gov/contact
Further resources, including rules and regulations, may be found at dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/atv
You must be 25 and have a valid ID to rent a UTV.
You must wear a seatbelt at all times when operating a UTV.
All ATV operators must wear a helmet
We suggest all UTV operators and passengers wear a helmet as well but it's up to you.
All children under the age of 18 must wear a helmet.
You can not take the rentals in any mud or water.
Before Hitting the Trails
If you’re not familiar with the Wisconsin ATV/UTV trail laws and regulations, please take a few minutes to read the laws and regulations before you start. Here’s a link to a WI DNR PDF file. https://dnr.wi.gov/files/PDF/pubs/le/LE0500.pdf
Insurance & Protection
You are liable for bodily injury or property damage. You can either assume the liability or can buy coverage through your agent.
By signing the liability waiver, you promise to assume all bodily injury and property damage liability for yourself, other passengers, and other third parties you may harm. Again, if your agent knows nothing about covering incidental rentals, perhaps you should check with another agent.
WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU CONTACT YOUR INSURNACE AGENT A FEW WEEKS BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY RENTAL ACTIVITY. Although most insurance carriers either exclude or limit both liability and physical damage, some carriers can add this coverage for a small charge.
There are no refunds for bad weather. You are expected to watch the forcast and cancel 3 days prior to your reservation for a complete refund. If you cancel 2 days prior, receive a 50% refund. There are no refunds for cancellations inside of 24 hours. No excuses including Covid.

offers a unique multi-use trail system meandering through three counties in southwestern Wisconsin. Included are the CHEESE COUNTRY TRAIL – with 47 miles from Monroe to Mineral Point, and the PECATONICA STATE TRAIL – with 10 miles from Calamine to Belmont.
Remember to follow all trail signage, designated routes and use proper ATV/UTV Etiquette. Local municipalities along the trail route have specific designated roads for ATV/UTV traffic to allow you to stop for refreshments, bathrooms, and tourist activities. Always stay within the marked trail and/or local routes, obeying all laws and ordinances.